Mobile Technology and App Use by Physicians (Poll by Sermo)

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A bias persists that doctors don’t use technology enough, particularly social media and apps.  A Poll by Sermo however shows that while some doctors are reluctant to enter the digital pool, once they adopt, they adopt enthusiastically. Doctors are open to adopting more technology to manage their practices and they embrace medical reference apps.

The most popular smart phone for physicians is the iPhone according to MedCrunch. A few top apps are listed below

Medscape.  Used by over 3 million doctors, nurses and medical students worldwide, Medscape is big.  You can use it for medical news, clinical reference to things like drugs, diseases, conditions and procedures, and even provides medical education.


EpocratesRx.   This app is popular for drug interactions, research, Pill ID and medicine calculators.   The lite version is free, but you can purchase the full version for $160.


NeuroMind is a great app for neurologists, neurosurgeons and med students.  It provides basic safety checklist requirements via the World Health Organization, and has “interactive clinical decision support.”  It is the number one neuro app with over 140,000 downloads.



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